Emergency Support

Think about whether you are safe. 
If you or others are seriously hurt or in immediate physical danger you can call the police or ambulance on 999.  This includes if you think you, or someone else, may be about to attempt suicide. 
If you are on a University campus, after calling 999 you may wish to contact the University Security Service (emergencies: 0161 295 3333) for additional support and to help the emergency services reach you quickly.
Safezone can provide you with access to emergency or urgent assistance should you need it, first aid and the ability to report emergency incidents and concerns. All students and colleagues are encouraged to download and familiarise themselves with the Safezone app.

The University’s Counselling and Wellbeing Service provides a listening ear and can also support you if you want to know what next steps might be available for you. Their services are completely confidential. This client confidentiality will only be broken if the counsellors think there is a risk to you or someone else, or if there is a legal duty.  
