Bullying is behaviour which is intended to harm or threaten someone. It often will involve incidents on more than one occasion. Usually the person doing the bullying would have some power over the other person, which could arise because of the bullying behaviour.  
Harassment is when someone (deliberately or not) behaves in a way which upsets, intimidates or humiliates someone else. Harassment is often characterised by repeated examples of unwanted behaviour or doing things which create an uncomfortable atmosphere for someone. It can also include treating someone less favourably because they have refused to accept harmful behaviour in the past (called Victimisation).  
 Bullying and harassment can be physical, verbal, direct, indirect, online or in person or through other channels. It may be related to a ‘protected characteristic’ such as race, or not. Some forms of harassment are considered a hate crime.  
 Some types of harmful behaviour which could be bullying or harassment include:  
  • Unkind, disrespectful, critical remarks  
  • Shouting, being sarcastic, ridiculing or demeaning others  
  • Constantly picking, criticising or reviewing behaviour or work  
  • Excluding someone from group activities or communications  
  • Unwanted touching even just 'minor' contact  
  • Making someone the target of jokes or pranks  
  •  Discriminatory or derogatory remarks about any protected characteristic someone has (or has a relationship to) 
  • Threatening physical behaviour, violence or sexual assault  

I have been bullied or harassed. What should I do? 

To a friend/family 
Get support from a friend or family member. Talking things through with someone you trust can sometimes help the immediate situation and help you think through what, if anything, you want to do. If you aren’t ready to talk yet, writing things down can also help.  
To a staff member 
Consider talking to a staff member in your accommodation, or a member of academic or professional staff in your School. They might not be able to fix the problem immediately, but they can listen and might be able to help.  
To askUS 
Talk to the askUS Enquiries team about your options.  
Think about whether (depending on the circumstances) you could talk to the person who is doing it. It is possible that they haven’t really thought about the impact this is having on you or faced up to the fact that what they are doing is inappropriate. Just having this conversation can feel really hard, and it’s OK to be nervous – you could put it in writing or talk through with someone what you might say. To keep things neutral try “I don’t know if you realise, but when you [do this behaviour] I feel [how you feel about it] and I’d like you to stop doing it”  
Get Support 
The University’s Counselling and Wellbeing Service provides a listening ear and can also support you if you want to know what next steps might be available for you. Their services are completely confidential. This client confidentiality will only be broken if the counsellors think there is a risk to you or someone else, or if there is a legal duty. 
How to contact Counselling & Wellbeing

You can also access advice and guidance from your G.P. surgery (you may be registered with the University Medical Centre or otherwise you can look up your G.P.’s information here if you can’t remember). 

Salford University Students’ Union Student Advice Centre also provide independent advice and support on a range of issues.  
You may prefer to speak to someone outside of the University instead of, or as well as, our services.  
Find out what support is available to you if you think you have been bullied or harassed. 
(Go to section- What support is available to me?) 
Report It 
We encourage you to tell someone about what’s happening, so that there is a better chance to support you and prevent things like this happening in future. You have a range of options to report:  
You can use this form to let the University know and access support. In the case of a Hate Incident or Hate Crime, you can also ask us to report it to the police on your behalf. You can report anonymously if you choose to, although this will limit the actions we can take, it’s still helpful to have the information.  
You can also:  
Report the behaviour to the police 
Harassment, stalking, and criminal behaviour targeted at you because of a protected characteristic are all illegal. Even apparently minor actions if they are unwanted, and repeated, can be the subject of legal action. You can contact the police by:  
  • dialling 999 in an emergency  
  • dialling 101 if it is not an emergency  
  • going to your nearest police station – find out where it is and when it’s open here. You may want to ask a friend or relative to go with you  
  • contacting one of the University’s police liaison officers via askUS: Enquiries or University Security 
Contact a solicitor 
There are options in civil law as well – you can apply for a restraining order against another person, which requires them to stay away from you, for example. Some solicitors offer schemes where you can get 30 minutes advice for free.  

Someone I know has been bullied or harassed. What should I do? 

If someone tells you that they are experiencing bullying and harassment, taking a few minutes to listen to them can make all the difference. You don’t have to know exactly the right thing to say or what to do – just listen.  
If it really isn’t the right time, arrange a different time and a suitable place to hear them out. If for some reason you are not able to listen, explain this and offer to help support them in finding support elsewhere.  
Give options  
If you can, encourage them to think through different options they may have. You could suggest any others which occur, if they will find that helpful, but you don’t need to try to solve the problem. Instead, support them as they make their choices and take their next steps.  
If you are worried about them, don’t ignore your feelings – get some support yourself to find out what to do next.  
Report It 
We encourage you to tell someone about what’s happening, so that there is a better chance to support you and prevent things like this happening in future. You have a range of options to report:  
You can use this form to let the University know and access support. In the case of a Hate Incident or Hate Crime, you can also ask us to report it to the police on your behalf. You can report anonymously if you choose to, although this will limit the actions we can take, it’s still helpful to have the information.  
You can also:  
Report the behaviour to the police 
Harassment, stalking, and criminal behaviour targeted at you because of a protected characteristic are all illegal. Even apparently minor actions if they are unwanted, and repeated, can be the subject of legal action. You can contact the police by:  
  • dialling 999 in an emergency  
  • dialling 101 if it is not an emergency  
  • going to your nearest police station – find out where it is and when it’s open here. You may want to ask a friend or relative to go with you  
  • contacting one of the University’s police liaison officers via askUS: Enquiries or University Security 
Get Support 
Find out what support is available to you if you think you have been bullied or harassed. 
(Go to section- What support is available to me?) 

What support is available to me? 

The National Bullying Helpline assists both adults and children with issues in the home, at study, in the community, the playground or the workplace. 
Cybersmile is a cyberbullying charity committed to tackling all forms of online bullying and hate campaigns. They deliver professional advice, education and support to those affected as well as their families and friends. Their website contains a plethora of useful information and they also have a confidential helpline.  
Domestic abuse  
The Domestic Violence Guide produced by Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust offers useful information. 
The 24-hour National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline run jointly by Women's Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf. Translation facilities for callers whose first language is not English and a service for callers who are deaf or hard of hearing are available. 

Men's Advice Line is a confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic violence from a partner or ex-partner (or from other family members). Monday - Friday 9am-5pm. Alternatively you can email them.

Greater Manchester Domestic Abuse Helpline assists women in domestic abuse situations, friends or family who would like to support someone or agencies who may wish to gain accurate advice to give to women and their dependents regarding domestic abuse. They can be contacted Monday to Friday 10am-4pm with an extended opening time on Tuesday to 7pm. 

Trafford Domestic Abuse Service is a registered charity offering support to individuals and families who are affected by domestic abuse. They support both female and male victims of domestic abuse who live or work in the Trafford area. They can be contacted Monday to Friday 10am-4pm.

Salford Women’s Aid Women’s Aid is a national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children ( (exempt under Section 7 (2) (e) of the Sex Discrimination Act) . The Salford branch has an in-house solicitor and can offer help with housing, benefits, social services, child protection and signposting. They can be contacted Monday to Friday 10am-4pm.

Respect offer information and advice to help domestic violence perpetrators stop their violence and change their abusive behaviours. The main focus of the Respect Phoneline is to increase the safety of those experiencing domestic violence by engaging with the abusers to reduce the risk. They can be contacted Monday to Friday 9am- 5pm. Alternatively you can email them.

End the Fear are a Manchester based service offering advice to those who wish to escape domestic abuse as well as to those who know of someone who is being abused. 

National LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline provides advice and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people. 
‘Honour’-based abuse and Forced marriage 
Forced Marriage Unit offer support if you’re trying to stop a forced marriage or if you need help leaving a marriage you've been forced into. Trained professionals are available to give free and confidential advice on what to do next. Visit the website for more information or call 02070080151 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

Karma Nirvana support all victims of honour based abuse and forced marriage. Their helpline can be contacted on 0800 5999 247. 
National Stalking Helpline offers specialist advice and support for anyone experiencing stalking. 
Network for Surviving Stalking is a registered charity dedicated to support those affected by stalking of any kind. Paladin, National Stalking Advocacy Service is a national service assisting high risk victims of stalking in England and Wales.

Survivors of Childhood abuse 
The Abuse Guide produced by Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust offers useful information.
NAPACis a national charity that exists to support survivors of child abuse when they want to talk and receive support. 

The Survivors Trust (TST) is a national umbrella agency for specialist rape, sexual violence and childhood sexual abuse support organisations throughout the UK and Ireland. 
Information, Advice & Support Services  
Salford Citizens Advice Bureau can provide free impartial and confidential advice and information on many issues including homelessness and legal problems. Give them a call or visit your local bureau. The nearest one to the University is based at Salford Precinct. 

Salford Women’s Centre is a Women only community centre (exempt under Section 7 (2) (e) of the Sex Discrimination Act) offering a safe, friendly, relaxing, supportive environment and advice to women for their personal development. 

North-West Victim Support offer support across the North-West with offices open Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm. If you've been a victim of any crime or affected by a crime committed against someone you know, they can help you. Their services are free and available to everyone, whether or not the crime has been reported and regardless of when it happened. They are not part of the police, the courts or any other criminal justice agency. 

Rights of Women offer free confidential legal advice to women on their advice line. They offer specialist advice in family law, divorce and relationship breakdown, children and contact issues, domestic violence, sexual violence, discrimination and lesbian parenting. 

Shelter provides a free, national telephone advice line staffed by trained housing advisers. They have helped thousands of people, from finding them an urgent place to sleep to suggesting how to handle mortgage arrears. 
Emergency Support 
If you or others are seriously hurt or in immediate physical danger you can call the police or ambulance on 999. This includes if you think you, or someone else, may be about to attempt suicide. 
If you are on a University campus, after calling 999 you may wish to contact the University Security Service (emergencies: 0161 295 3333) for additional support and to help the emergency services reach you quickly.  